We are not currently accepting applications for this position.

ProPublica is seeking a smart, motivated data journalist to join its Chicago-based newsroom.
We’re casting a wide net, and so we don’t expect applicants to have all of the skills we describe below. The position will ultimately be tailored to the strengths of the person who fills it. Our newsroom is small, multitalented and highly collaborative, so if you’re are strong in some of these areas but not others, we still want to hear from you! Please tell us about all your skills, both data-related and beyond.
Here are some potential roles we’ll need you to play:
- Collaborate with and guide other reporters to elevate our journalism by working with them to best use data.
- Develop and produce your own accountability story ideas, both independently and in partnership with others, by combining data work, interviewing and on-the-ground reporting with excellent storytelling.
- Manage our newsroom’s data, including FOIAing for it, scraping it, cleaning it, analyzing it and preparing it for publication.
- Bulletproof and spot-check data work done by other journalists in the newsroom.
- Teach and encourage best practices and newsroom data policies.
- Work alongside our news applications developer on interactive data projects that help Illinoisans understand their world and make good decisions.