

What You Need to Know About Hydrofracking

PBS "Need to Know" Focuses on hydraulic fracturing.

A Busy Summer Week at ProPublica

A review of the investigative reports ProPublica published the week of Aug. 23, 2010.

The Reporting Matchmaker Is Looking for More Loan Mod Stories

Homeowners are trying to avoid foreclosure, and journalists want to tell their stories. Here is a chance to get involved.

Stealing Our Stories Just Got Easier

New ProPublica Reporting Network Will Recruit Citizen Journalists for Investigative Reporting

First Assignment: “Adopt A Stimulus Project”

The Washington Post and ProPublica Examine Timothy Geithner’s Oversight of the New York Fed

In-depth look at warnings of banking system risks before the credit crisis and the limits of Geithner’s response.

WNYC Radio, The Takeaway and ProPublica Announce ‘ShovelWatch’

Web site to track and report on stimulus bill spending.

ProPublica Completes Initial Staffing

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