Take Our Reader Survey to Help Make ProPublica Better

Help us learn more about you and how you think we’re doing — and enter to win a ProPublica tote bag.

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Hi there, ProPublica reader. If you’re reading this, we’d like to learn more about you. To better understand who we’re reaching, who we’re not reaching and how we can improve our journalism, we want to ask you a few questions in this brief, anonymous reader survey.

Whether you’re a new ProPublica reader (maybe this is your first time here!) or consider yourself a superfan, we want to hear from you. It takes five to 10 minutes to complete, and you can enter to win one of 10 reusable, ProPublica-branded tote bags just by completing the survey.

Share your feedback.

Portrait of Celeste LeCompte

Celeste LeCompte

Celeste LeCompte was the vice president of strategy and operations at ProPublica, focused on revenue, partnerships and other strategic initiatives.

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