Quick Picks focuses on a select few of the day's stories from "Breaking on the Web."
- A former British resident who claims he was tortured while in secret custody in Morocco will be the first prisoner transferred from Guantanamo Bay by the Obama administration, a source told the Washington Post. The British government has been pressuring U.S. officials to release Binyam Mohammed, an Ethiopian-born man who was arrested in Pakistan in 2002, and arrived at Guantanamo in 2004.
- Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Mary Schapiro is leading an investigation into the role boards of financial institutions played in the current economic doom, the Washington Post reports. Such boards -- which are typically made up of a collection of well-known individuals -- signed off on many questionable financial transactions, but so far have received little scrutiny.
Check out more of our roundup of the best investigative stories around the Web.
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