We're launching ChangeTracker, an experimental new tool that watches pages on whitehouse.gov, recovery.gov and financialstability.gov so you don’t have to. When the White House adds or deletes anything— say a blog post, or executive order—ChangeTracker will let you know.
The latest changes are below, or sign up on the right to get alerts sent to you.
Each change links to a page (courtesy of a service called Versionista) that shows the different versions side-by-side. Text highlighted in red means it was removed, green means it was added. If you notice something interesting, let us know. We’ll highlight the gems.
And in the hope that folks will track other important Web sites, we want you to steal our code: Here's how to create your own tracker for any Web site.
Latest Changes
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Special thanks to Cayusa for taking the original photograph for our Twitter icon! Thanks also to the Tango Project for creating the email icon used above.
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