A Shut-Off Switch Was Supposed to Prevent 99% of Generator-Related Deaths. It Failed a Family of Three.
The generator industry has touted automatic shut-off switches as a lifesaving fix for carbon monoxide poisoning. But the voluntary standard falls short of what federal regulators say is necessary to eliminate deaths.
Judge Lifts U.S. Ban on Mexicans Entering Country to Sell Blood Plasma
Mexicans with short-term visas comprised as much as 10% of all plasma collected in the U.S when the practice was banned last year. Now, a federal judge has granted a preliminary injunction.
Congresswoman Calls for Examination of Military Pretrial Confinement
The Army also said its pretrial confinement rules are “currently under revision” in a statement to Military Times, which is partnering with ProPublica and The Texas Tribune to report on military justice.
What’s a Pig Butchering Scam? Here’s How to Avoid Falling Victim to One.
Thousands have lost huge sums after being lured into fraudulent online investment schemes by seemingly attractive strangers who strike up online conversations with them. Here’s a guide to spotting the telltale signs.
This Hurricane-Ravaged Town Has Waited Years for Long-Term Aid. It Could Happen Again.
Homes and businesses still sit in ruins in a small Louisiana city, left behind by the government’s convoluted and unpredictable system for rebuilding communities devastated by natural disasters.
“Another Place to Warehouse People”: The State Where Halfway Houses Are a Revolving Door to Prison
Colorado’s halfway houses were intended to reduce recidivism, but insiders describe a system plagued by a lack of training and support, costs that can burden residents with debt and overly harsh rules that have sent many back in prison.
ProPublica Opens Up Five New Opportunities With Our Local Reporting Network
Our newsroom is looking to partner with outlets in Mississippi, New Mexico and New Orleans on local accountability projects for a year, starting in January 2023. Deadline to apply is Nov. 8.
State Investigation Reveals Racial Disparities in Student Discipline and Police Involvement
The Illinois civil rights probe of the state’s largest high school district comes after ProPublica and the Chicago Tribune documented thousands of police tickets issued to students for minor infractions.
For Donald Trump, Information Has Always Been Power
People have wondered why the former president collected classified intel, speculating that he is just a packrat. But he has a long history of gathering and wielding sensitive info to help himself.
For Helping Voters Who Can’t Read, She’s Been Criminally Charged — Twice. That Hasn’t Stopped Her.
Olivia Coley-Pearson offered help to voters who struggle to read. For taking on one of America’s oldest forms of voter suppression, she got threats, a trip to jail and a reminder of the nation’s long legacy of weaponizing literacy.
Are You in a State That Banned Abortion? Tell Us How Changes in Medical Care Impact You.
Serious medical issues can arise during pregnancies. Our reporters want to understand how policy changes affect intimate medical decisions. Your examples can help.
New Voting Restrictions Could Make It Harder for 1 in 5 Americans to Vote
Across the country, from California to Georgia, people like Olivia Coley-Pearson and Faye Combs are working through stigma and increased restrictions as they help people who struggle to read exercise their right to vote.
Human Trafficking’s Newest Abuse: Forcing Victims Into Cyberscamming
Tens of thousands of people from across Asia have been coerced into defrauding people in America and around the world out of millions of dollars. Those who resist face beatings, food deprivation or worse.
Meet the Woman Fighting for the Rights of Voters Who Can’t Read
Olivia Coley-Pearson offered help to voters who struggle to read. For taking on one of America’s oldest forms of voter suppression, she got threats, a trip to jail and a reminder of the nation’s long legacy of weaponizing literacy.
The Fight Against an Age-Old Effort to Block Americans From Voting
As a new wave of restrictions makes voting harder for people who struggle to read — now 1 in 5 Americans — Olivia Coley-Pearson has taken up the fight, even if it makes her a target.
How to Vote: A Quick and Easy Guide
You have the right to vote even if you don’t speak or read English. This guide will tell you about your right to ask for help, how to vote and what to do if you have problems.
How We Analyzed Literacy and Voter Turnout
For decades, researchers have studied the factors that influence voter participation, including the impact of educational attainment on whether people vote. But literacy skills are less commonly examined. So we sought to understand the connection.