
What to Know About the Earned Income Tax Credit

The EITC is an often misunderstood tax credit, but it can help individuals and families reduce their tax bill when used correctly. We’ve gathered the information and resources you need to better understand the EITC.

Louisiana to Drop Lawsuits Against Katrina Survivors Over Recovery Grants

Louisiana sued thousands of homeowners for not following the rules in how they spent recovery grants. After a joint news investigation, the governor announced Thursday that the state won’t try to collect the money.

Despite Decades of Mass Shootings in Texas, Legislators Have Failed to Pass Meaningful Gun Control Laws

State lawmakers have rejected dozens of bills that would have prevented people from legally obtaining weapons used in many mass shootings. Instead, they’ve made it easier for residents to get guns and harder for local governments to regulate them.

Do You Have Experience With Peripheral Artery Disease? Have You Had a Procedure on Your Leg? Tell Us About It.

Some doctors may be overusing a procedure to clear out clogged arteries in legs, potentially leading to amputations. We need your help connecting with patients, including those who may not know they have had an atherectomy.

Steak Dinners, Sales Reps and Risky Procedures: Inside the Big Business of Clogged Arteries

Text messages, a whistleblower lawsuit and an internal investigation reveal the lengths to which Medtronic, the world’s largest medical device company, allegedly “groomed” doctors to overuse its vascular products in patients at a veterans hospital.

How ProPublica’s Local Stories Reach the Communities We Report On

Getting our investigation’s findings to the people we write about is just as important as reaching a large audience. Consider these two examples.

Military Justice Reforms Still Leave Some Criminal Cases to Commanders With No Legal Expertise

The military resisted reforming its justice system for decades. Major congressional changes passed in 2021 promised to overhaul that system — but experts say they may have just made it more complicated.

New Report Says Nurses at Illinois Facility Forced Patients to Dig Through Their Own Feces

Newly obtained documents echo our reporting on abuse, cover-ups and a “sense of impunity” at an Illinois institution for people with mental illnesses and developmental disorders. The governor has said Choate must be reformed.

When Are Taxes Due?

ProPublica’s free tax guide is back with information about when taxes are due and how to get an extension on the filing date if you need one.

How the Wealthy Save Billions in Taxes by Skirting a Century-Old Law

Congress outlawed tax deductions on “wash sales” in 1921, but Goldman Sachs and others have helped billionaires like Steve Ballmer see huge tax savings by selling stocks for a loss and then replacing them with nearly identical investments.

Hoping to Prevent Repeat of Botched Response to Uvalde, Lawmaker Calls for Improved Training for Police, EMTs

The proposed legislation comes after an investigation by ProPublica, The Texas Tribune and The Washington Post revealed that communication lapses among medical crews further delayed treatment for victims at Robb Elementary.

Gallup School Superintendent Says Changing a Label Explains Away Its Harsh Native Student Discipline. It Doesn’t.

Gallup-McKinley County Schools Superintendent Mike Hyatt told the Gallup Sun our findings about Native American student discipline are wrong. This is our response.

Here’s What States Are Doing to Abortion Rights in 2023

In the first full legislative session after Roe v. Wade was overturned, states across the country are looking to further restrict or better protect abortion rights. ProPublica looked at what abortion legislation is on the table in 2023.

Federal Agency Rejects Developer’s Report That Massive Grain Elevator Won’t Harm Black Heritage Sites

For the second time, the Army Corps of Engineers has reprimanded a Louisiana developer for its failure to offer an adequate assessment of the impact that its $400 million project would have on neighboring Black communities and historic sites.

From Penis Cookies to Spying: A Growing List of Allegations at Anchorage City Hall

Here’s a timeline of some of the scandals and accusations that have hit the seat of government in Alaska’s largest city since Mayor Dave Bronson took office in July 2021.

It Was Good to Be Friends With the Mayor. Then the Investigations Began.

An influential friend of the mayor of Anchorage, Alaska, is at the center of a burgeoning scandal at City Hall.

New Legislation Takes Aim at Hidden Foster Care

A ProPublica-New York Times Magazine story exposed a system with few legal protections for families. A first-of-its-kind bill aims to provide parents with free counsel when child protection workers try to move their kids without going to court.

The Community of Mothers Who Lost Sons to Police Killings

In the wake of Tyre Nichols, a mother discusses the familiar role of grieving with purpose.

Lawmakers Attempting Takeover of Funds for Jackson’s Water System, Federal Manager Warns

Congress sent $600 million to Jackson to help fix its water system. Some are warning that new legislation could funnel the money out of the city.

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