Mississippi Has Invested Millions of Dollars to Save Its Oysters. They’re Disappearing Anyway.
A string of disasters have decimated oyster populations, with far-reaching impacts on the health of the Mississippi Sound. The state’s yearslong efforts to restore the reefs have fallen short.
Republican Rep. Jim Jordan Issues Sweeping Information Requests to Universities Researching Disinformation
In the letters, Jordan asserted that the schools may have contributed to the Biden administration’s “censorship regime by advising on so-called misinformation.”
DeSantis Privately Called for Google to Be “Broken Up”
In previously unreported videos from a closed-door Teneo Network conference, Florida's Republican governor takes his anti-big tech rhetoric beyond what he has said publicly.
Senators Had Questions for the Maker of a Rent-Setting Algorithm. The Answers Were “Alarming.”
After a ProPublica investigation, RealPage answered questions from lawmakers about its product. In response, the senators sent a letter to the Justice Department.
Have a Student in New Mexico Schools? Here Is What to Know About How School Discipline Works.
We heard from families who said the school disciplinary process is hard to understand. Here is what you need to know about discipline in Gallup-McKinley County Schools and other school districts in New Mexico.
As New York Pays Out Millions In Police Misconduct Settlements, Lawmakers Ask Why They Keep Happening
Decades of costly settlements have prompted some elected officials to question whether the city enables bad policing by aggressively defending against misconduct claims instead of demanding changes to NYPD practices.
“He Has a Battle Rifle”: Uvalde Police Waited to Enter Classroom, Fearing Firepower From Gunman’s AR-15
In previously unreleased interviews, police told investigators they were cowed by the Uvalde shooter’s military-style rifle. This drove their decision to wait for a Border Patrol SWAT team to engage him, which took more than an hour.
Questions Shadow These Items From a Renowned Art Collection
Chicago art mavens James and Marilynn Alsdorf amassed their collection during an era where standards were looser than they are today. Now, the origins of more than a dozen objects they acquired face scrutiny.
Nepal Wants a Sacred Necklace Returned. But a Major Museum Still Keeps It on Display.
Questions about the origins and ownership of some Asian artifacts in a key collection at the Art Institute of Chicago have cast doubt on the museum’s commitment to keeping its galleries free of stolen antiquities.
Have You Faced Barriers to Getting Gender-Affirming Care? Help Us Investigate.
Gender-affirming care is medically necessary but can be hard to access. ProPublica is investigating the ways transgender people are blocked from getting quality health care related to gender transitions.
This Georgia County Spent $1 Million to Avoid Paying for One Employee’s Gender-Affirming Care
Officials in Houston County, Georgia, said gender-affirming surgery for sheriff’s deputy Anna Lange was too costly. They spent more than $1 million on private lawyers in a fight to keep transition-related care from being covered by their health plan.
Funcionarios toman medidas para abordar los problemas que enfrentan los trabajadores inmigrantes en las granjas lecheras de Wisconsin
Una investigación de ProPublica demuestra cómo las barreras del idioma contribuyeron a que las autoridades culparan erróneamente a un trabajador de una granja lechera por la muerte de su hijo. Los legisladores responden.
Regulatory Failure 101: What the Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank Reveals
It’s an all-too-familiar cycle: First comes the boom, then the breathtakingly speedy bust, and then the bailout. Now we’re in the moment where everyone wonders where the financial regulators were.
Au bord de la catastrophe
Une simple clairière de forêt nous sépare de la prochaine pandémie mortelle. Mais nous n’essayons même pas de la prévenir.
Judge Pauses Order to Return Siblings to Father They Say Abused Them
Utah lawmakers call for examination of court-ordered reunification after a judge was persuaded by the theory of parental alienation to order Ty and Brynlee Larson back into their father’s custody.
How Forest Loss Can Unleash the Next Pandemic
The forests around the epicenter of the world’s worst Ebola outbreak are getting patchier. The next pandemic could emerge from the edges around these patches, where wildlife and humans mix.
Wealthy Executives Make Millions Trading Competitors’ Stock With Remarkable Timing
Never-before-seen IRS records show that CEOs are sometimes making multimillion-dollar bets on the stocks of direct competitors and partners — and doing so with exquisite timing.
Dozens of Museums and Universities Pledge to Return Native American Remains. Few Have Funded the Effort.
Reporting from nearly 50 local newsrooms, based on ProPublica’s “Repatriation Project,” has sparked a wave of apologies and commitment to returning ancestral remains. But without funding for the work tribal nations could still face empty promises.
Ayude a ProPublica y The Salt Lake Tribune a investigar las agresiones sexuales en Utah
Estamos reportando sobre las agresiones sexuales por parte de profesionales. Puede llenar nuestro formulario confidencial que incluimos a continuación para informarnos acerca de profesionales e instituciones de atención médica sobre los que piensa que deberíamos informar.
94 mujeres alegan que un médico de Utah las agredió sexualmente. Esta es la razón por la que un juez desestimó su caso.
Cuando docenas de mujeres demandaron a su ginecoobstetra por agresión sexual, un juez dijo que el caso estaba bajo la ley estatal de negligencia médica. Mientras las mujeres apelan, los legisladores se están preguntando si esa ley debería modificarse.