“We’re Huge in Learning Loss!” Cashing in on the Post-Pandemic Education Crisis.
Test scores are plummeting while tens of billions in federal aid flows to schools. A visit to a recent education technology convention provides a glimpse of the frenzy to profit from the recovery efforts.
Hospices in Four States to Receive Extra Scrutiny Over Concerns of Fraud, Waste and Abuse
Federal regulators have announced enhanced oversight of new hospices in Arizona, California, Nevada and Texas, targeting providers highlighted by a ProPublica investigation.
A Scientist Said Her Research Could Help With Repatriation. Instead, It Destroyed Native Remains.
Federal agencies have awarded millions of dollars to scientific studies on Native American human remains, undermining the goals of NAGPRA as tribes fight for repatriation.
¿Tiene una arteria bloqueada en la pierna? Esto es lo que debe saber.
Una investigación de ProPublica encontró que algunos médicos abusan de los tratamientos invasivos para la enfermedad arterial periférica. Ante esto, hablamos con expertos para entender qué deben saber los pacientes cuando buscan atención médica.
¿Tiene experiencia con la enfermedad arterial periférica? ¿Ha tenido un procedimiento en su pierna? Cuéntenos al respecto.
Algunos médicos pueden estar abusando de un procedimiento para despejar las arterias obstruidas en las piernas, lo que podría provocar amputaciones. Necesitamos su ayuda para conectarnos con los pacientes.
Cenas con bistec, representantes de ventas y procedimientos riesgosos: Dentro del gran negocio de las arterias obstruidas
Los mensajes de texto, la demanda de un denunciante y una investigación interna revelan hasta qué punto Medtronic supuestamente “preparó” a los médicos para que abusaran de sus productos vasculares en pacientes en un hospital de veteranos.
En el “salvaje oeste” de la atención vascular ambulatoria, los médicos pueden obtener grandes pagos a medida que los pacientes arriesgan la vida y las extremidades
Para avanzar con los procedimientos vasculares de los hospitales caros, el gobierno aceleró los pagos a los consultorios médicos. En lugar de ahorrar dinero, inició un auge que está enriqueciendo a los médicos y poniendo en peligro a los pacientes.
“At What Point Does Profit Trump Safety?” Ex-National Cyber Director Presses Software Regulation Amid High-Profile Hacks
Recent cyberattacks in the U.S. might have been detected sooner if infected computers had logging software, a feature in premium Microsoft licenses. Former National Cyber Director Chris Inglis says this type of security should already be built in.
How School Board Meetings Became Flashpoints for Anger and Chaos Across the Country
In the first wide-ranging analysis of school board unrest, ProPublica found nearly 60 incidents that led to arrests or criminal charges. Almost all were in suburban districts, and nearly every participant was white.
How One Woman Narrowly Avoided a Bad Deal With a “We Buy Ugly Houses” Franchise
Royanne McNair believed she had canceled her contract with a “We Buy Ugly Houses” franchise, so she pursued another offer on her house — this one for $100,000 more. Then an anonymous envelope froze the deal.
How to Use the Updated “Nursing Home Inspect” Database
Our “Nursing Home Inspect” tool is now easier to use. Here’s what you can find when searching our database by state, county or facility.
We Updated “Nursing Home Inspect.” Here’s What Changed.
The new and improved nursing home database includes more data, new views that summarize problems, and advanced search features to help you navigate the new information.
FEMA Has So Far Paid Out Less Than 1% of What Congress Allocated for Victims of New Mexico Wildfire
Congress gave FEMA $3.95 billion to compensate victims of the Hermits Peak-Calf Canyon Fire in northern New Mexico. Seven months later, just $3 million has been paid, and most hasn’t gone to households.
How Harlan Crow Slashed his Tax Bill by Taking Clarence Thomas on Superyacht Cruises
In lavishing gifts on the Supreme Court justice, the billionaire GOP donor may have violated tax laws, according to tax experts.
LA Promised to Preserve Low-Cost Housing. These Tenants’ Homes Were Turned Into Hotel Rooms Anyway.
When the American Hotel converted into a tourist hotel, its long-term residents lost not just their affordable housing but the creative community that long thrived in the iconic building.
Close to 100,000 Voter Registrations Were Challenged in Georgia — Almost All by Just Six Right-Wing Activists
The recent transformation of the state’s election laws explicitly enabled citizens to file unlimited challenges to other voters’ registrations. Experts warn that election officials’ handling of some of those challenges may clash with federal law.
Lawmakers Reintroduce Bill to Battle Nation’s Stillbirth Crisis
After legislation fell short of passage last year, a bipartisan group of lawmakers hope to advance a new bill to fund stillbirth prevention, and they credit ProPublica for its reporting.