Archive - Illinois

Money on Top of Money

Obama Backtracking on Transparency Promise?

Despite the Obama administration's push for more openness in the federal government, a report says the White House has agreed to extend a deadline for intelligence agencies to review millions of documents that were scheduled to be declassified this year.

ProPublica Is Hiring a Reporter-Blogger

Leadership PAC Tracker

How much did your congressman's Leadership PAC raise, and where did that money go?

What Health Care Reform Means for: The Underinsured

Americans without group health insurance often face high out-of-pocket costs on the plans they buy on their own. A look at how the health reform bills in Congress would bring down those costs for one couple in Texas.

Slow Bank Failure Friday

Pa. Residents Sue Gas Driller for Contamination, Health Concerns

A federal suit by residents of Dimock, Pa., say Cabot Oil and Gas contaminated their water wells and sickened many of them. They seek a trust fund for medical costs and the end of drilling in the Marcellus Shale near their town.

California Adopts Stricter Rules for Drug Abusers in the Health Industry

Addressing concerns about health workers who abuse drugs, often stealing hem from patients, California will now require nurses, dentists and other health workers in state-run recovery programs to take at least 104 drug tests in their first year, and a single positive test will remove a worker, at least temporarily.

When News Falls in the Forest

ProPublica reported months ago that some Guantanamo prisoners might face criminal charges in federal courts, but few people seemed to notice. Now that the government has announced the move, passions are running hot. Why did it take so long for the issue to get people's attention?

Are the Criticisms of the Gov’s Stimulus Site Legit?

Critics have been vocal about the flaws in the first big release of data on, the federal stimulus-reporting Web site. But despite gaps in job numbers and the appearance of phantom congressional districts, the error rate in this database isn't so bad.

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