Archive - Illinois
Gov’t Agency Helps Risky Lenders Keep Lending
The Government National Mortgage Association -- Ginnie Mae -- has gotten little attention during the financial crisis, but a new report says the agency has helped some reckless mortgage companies by providing taxpayer backing for their risky lending.
FDA Advised to Tighten Restrictions on GE and Covidien MRI Drugs
After a daylong hearing, an FDA advisory panel recommends effectively banning the use of GE’s Omniscan and Covidien’s Optimark in patients with severe kidney disease. The MRI contrast agents have been linked to a rare but often crippling disease, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis.
School Kids - And the Rest of Us - Fed Meat That Fast-Food Joints Wouldn’t Touch
Because federal standards have not caught up with those of the fast-food industry, the National School Lunch Program has become the meat industry's "market of last resort," according to USA Today. So children sometimes wind up eating meat that otherwise might become pet food.
What Health Care Reform Means for: Medicaid Recipients
States have wide leeway in determining who is eligible for Medicaid and how well they are covered. The health reform bills in Congress would eliminate many of the disparities from state to state, making access easier for many people.