Archive - Illinois
Real Student Default Rates Much Higher Than Previously Known
As much as half of the money lent to students attending for-profit colleges and universities will never be repaid, an Education Department projection says. Default rates at nonprofit schools are far lower.
Gitmo Detainees Coming to America; Next Steps Unclear
The U.S. said it would transfer some Guantanamo detainees to a nearly vacant maximum security prison in Illinois, part of the promise to close Guantanamo. The prisoners would be those who would face military tribunals, but how many would end up there is still unclear, as are other details.
Underused Drilling Practices Could Avoid Pollution
Innovative industry "best practices" that may make it easier to exploit U.S. gas reserves with less water and air pollution are used inconsistently across the 31 states where natural gas is drilled. Rarely required by state or federal regulations, they are usually put in place only when drilling companies are forced to by cost or regulatory concerns.
Bailout Breakdown: Losses Likely to Be Larger Than Treasury Estimates
Yes, TARP will cost less than originally envisioned. But how much less is still unknown. The latest estimate accounts for only the first year of spending, and the TARP’s spending isn’t done.
The Rise and Fall of ‘Notorious’ San Francisco Landlords
The Lembi family went on a "five-year apartment-buying binge" of rental properties in San Francisco at the height of the housing market. But a magazine reports that they reportedly strong-armed longtime tenants out of their apartments and raised rents across the city. Now their empire is in decline.