All Entries for Pennsylvania
Philadelphia niega la acusación de la campaña de Trump de que prohíbe a los observadores electorales republicanos

La ciudad dice que un video ampliamente visto de un observador electoral del GOP (Partido Republicano) que fue rechazado en un centro de votación es un incidente aislado que ocurrió por confusión sobre las reglas y fue corregido rápidamente.
Philadelphia Denies Trump Campaign Allegation of Banning Republican Poll Watchers

The city says that a widely viewed video of a GOP poll watcher being turned away was an isolated and quickly corrected incident resulting from confusion over the rules.
La nueva ley de votación por correo de Pennsylvania amplía el acceso para todos...menos para los pobres

En la ciudad más pobre de Estados Unidos, las barreras del idioma, la inestabilidad de las viviendas y la falta de acceso a internet dificultan la votación por correo. Por eso los residentes de bajos ingresos de Filadelfia votarán en persona, si es que votan.
Pennsylvania’s New Vote-by-Mail Law Expands Access for Everyone Except the Poor

In America’s poorest big city, language barriers, unstable housing and lack of internet access make voting by mail difficult. So low-income Philadelphia residents will be voting in person, if at all.
Pennsylvania’s Rejection of 372,000 Ballot Applications Bewilders Voters and Strains Election Staff

Most rejected applications were deemed duplicates because voters had unwittingly checked a request box during the primary. The administrative nightmare highlights the difficulty of ramping up mail-in voting on the fly.
Heavy Turnout, Minor Problems Reported At Allegheny County Polling Sites
Electionland partner 90.5 WESA reports on a variety of issues facing voters in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
What You Can and Can’t Do at the Polls is giving its readers a play-by-play of what behavior is and is not allowed at the polls. It's debunking a myth that Pennsylvania voters can vote online and that it is legal to take a selfie in PA voting booths.