This week’s headlines on making a voting plan, the mail ballot supply chain and election litigation.
Poorly Protected Postal Workers Are Catching COVID-19 by the Thousands. It’s One More Threat to Voting by Mail.

More than 50,000 workers have taken time off for virus-related reasons, slowing mail delivery. The Postal Service doesn’t test employees or check their temperatures, and its contact tracing is erratic.
ProPublica’s Pandemic Guide to Making Sure Your Vote Counts

Here’s what you can do ahead of time to be prepared for the 2020 election.
No Democrats Allowed: A Conservative Lawyer Holds Secret Voter Fraud Meetings With State Election Officials

Heritage Foundation’s Hans von Spakovsky, whose work about voting fraud has been discredited, has been conducting private meetings for Republicans only.
Electionland 2020: Voting Begins, Facebook Rules, Pandemic Election Plans and More
This week's headlines on mail ballots, studies on voting and Trump's latest election rhetoric.
Please Tell Us If You Have Any Trouble Voting This Year

Are you a voter? A poll worker? An election administrator? We want to hear from you about any problems you’re experiencing or witnessing in the voting process.
Facebook’s Political Ad Ban Also Threatens Ability to Spread Accurate Information on How to Vote

Two months out from Election Day, Facebook’s changes to its political ad rules cause additional problems for the government officials running the vote.
Electionland 2020: Mail Ballot Challenges, Election Security, New Legislation and More
This week’s headlines on election funding, lawsuits, and the president’s latest comments on voting.
Reporting Recipe: How to Report on Voting by Mail

Many states are expanding mail-in voting this year. Here’s how local reporters can cover this issue while educating voters.
Electionland 2020: Nursing Home Voting, Election Guides, Creative Enfranchisement and More
This week’s headlines on the latest USPS scrutiny, mail voting news and election lawsuits.
Hundreds of Thousands of Nursing Home Residents May Not Be Able to Vote in November Because of the Pandemic

Renowned inventor Walter Hutchins has voted in every presidential election since 1952. This year, as many states stopped sending teams to help seniors vote, his nursing home was on coronavirus lockdown and his streak was in jeopardy.
Electionland 2020: DeJoy Under Fire, Election Administrators, Pandemic Voting and More
This week’s headlines on congressional scrutiny of USPS, expanding mail voting, and mail ballot drop boxes.
For Election Administrators, Death Threats Have Become Part of the Job

In a polarized society, the bureaucrats who operate the machinery of democracy are taking flak from all sides. More than 20 have resigned or retired since March 1, thinning their ranks at a time when they are most needed.
What the Post Office Needs to Survive a Pandemic Election

Fueled by the president’s unfounded claims about rampant voter fraud, and reports of equipment being removed, the plight of the United States Postal Service has captured America’s attention. Will it collapse? Here’s what you need to know.
Electionland 2020: USPS Chaos, Election Cybersecurity, August Voting and More
This week’s headlines on enfranchisement efforts, election law changes and the Trump administration’s attacks on mail voting.
Electionland 2020: Masks at the Polls, Election Funding, Ex-Felon Enfranchisement and More
This week’s headlines on the latest vote by mail changes, a slew of litigation and Trump’s new takes on absentee voting.
Electionland 2020: Accessibility Lawsuits, Mail Voting Expansion, USPS Woes and More
This week’s headlines on doctors getting out the vote, cybersecurity concerns, and Trump’s tweets on vote by mail.
Electionland 2020: Inside the EAC, Poll Worker Woes, Cybersecurity and More
This week’s headlines on in-person voting mask rules, absentee voting eligibility, New York’s ballot problems and more.
How Voter-Fraud Hysteria and Partisan Bickering Ate American Election Oversight

The federal Election Assistance Commission has neglected key responsibilities or ceded them to other agencies — and two of its four commissioners are parroting the president’s unfounded warnings about vote by mail.
Electionland 2020: Texas Votes, Voting Misinformation, Election Funding and More
This week's headlines on vote by mail surges, new election litigation, and mail ballot deadline problems.