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Presidential Pardons

White criminals seeking presidential pardons are nearly four times as likely to succeed as people of color, a ProPublica examination has found.

White criminals seeking presidential pardons are nearly four times as likely to succeed as people of color, a ProPublica examination has found.

Obama Picks Up the Pace on Commutations, But Pardon Changes Still in Limbo

Prolific Pardoner? Obama Grants Clemency to 22 Prisoners This Week, But Has Denied Thousands

Obama Issues 12 Pardons. That’s Still Far Fewer Than Predecessors

Three Things Obama's New Clemency Initiative Doesn't Do

President Obama Tells Clarence Aaron He Can Finally Go Home

The Sweeping Presidential Power to Help Prisoners That Holder Didn’t Mention

Clarence Aaron Still Waiting for Clemency, Months after Report Found Pardon Atty Misrepresented Case

Despite New Pardons, Obama’s Clemency Rate is Still Lowest in Recent History

IG Report: Senior Justice Department Official Shares Blame in Botched Clemency Case

Head of Pardons Office Withheld Facts From White House in Key Case

Obama Has Granted Clemency More Rarely Than Any Modern President

Details Emerge on Government Study of Presidential Pardons

Obama Administration Wants Review of Prisoner’s Commutation Request

Congressional Leader Calls for Investigation of the Pardon Office

Video: Clarence Aaron on PBS Frontline's 'Snitch'

Pardon Attorney Torpedoes Plea for Presidential Mercy

Timeline: Tracking Aaron's Quest for Clemency

Law School Clinic for Pardons Planned

House Panel Queries Attorney General About Pardon Office

Barbour Says Pardoned Murderers Deserved 'a Second Chance'

In Mississippi, Identities of Pardon Applicants Must Be Public

Pardons and Presidents – A Washington Post Editorial

Perry More Generous With Pardons Than Romney

How the Nixon Pardon Strained a Presidential Friendship

Racial Disparity in Presidential Pardons: What Can Be Done?

Congressional Letters: Power and Persuasion Don't Always Add Up to Pardons

Michele Bachmann Lobbied For Campaign Donor's Pardon

Pardon Applicants Benefit From Friends in High Places

Top 10 Elected Officials Who Wrote Letters on Behalf of Pardon Applicants

Document Dive: Politicians and Pardons

Parsing Presidential Pardons

Timeline: A History of Pardons

The Kind of Journalism That Demands Action

How ProPublica Analyzed Pardon Data

Presidential Pardons Heavily Favor Whites

The Shadow of Marc Rich

How We Analyzed Pardons


Starting Over: When Presidential Forgiveness Changes a Life

Perspectives on Pardons

Contrasting Colors, Contrasting Results